Area accommodations include everything from traditional hotels and mountain cabins, to RV parks
and camp sites.
Be aware that if you book through Priceline, Expedia, or another similar website, you may end up in a neighboring town that isn't as close as it appears. For example, Telluride is only about 10-12 miles from Ouray--if you own a helicopter, jet pack, magic carpet, or you happen to be a bird. By road, it can take an hour or more to travel from Telluride to Ouray, assuming good road conditions.
In order to avoid congestion, it is recommended that runners find accommodations in Ouray and simply walk the few blocks to the start. Fellin Park shares a small parking lot with the Ouray Hot Springs.
It is recommended that pacers find accommodations in Ridgway (~50 mile point), and also simply walk the few blocks to the aid station in Hartwell Park to avoid congestion.
Crews will have access to runners at the aid stations in Ouray, Ridgway, and Colona. Ouray and Ridgway are both great options for crews.
Below are links to lists of lodging options maintained by the local Chambers of Commerce.